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This Monday morning marked the debut emergence of Amberle and me on the radio! I arrived at the radio station at 7:45 this morning where Audrey let me in and…
Jun 15 2012
Meadow Creek’s radio show Business & Bagels on KKNW 1150 am hosted by Audrey premiers Monday, June 18th, at 8:00 a.m. Clara and Amberle will be the kick-off guests so…
Hey! Clara and I have been busy all week working on building content libraries. Through my research for our social media library, I came across this video, and had to…
Jun 12 2012
As you may or may not know, Meadow Creek hosts a monthly event called Business and Bagels. Business and Bagels is a fun social networking event at Meadow Creek where…
Conveniently located in the heart of Issaquah, Washington
less than a minute off I-90